Daniel Barker: Journey to Egypt Themes Peer Pressure Wanting to feel part of something can put pressure on a teen to act in certain ways. If they’re doing something they wouldn’t normally do, or are not doing something they’d like to do, simply so that they’ll be accepted by the people they hang out with, […]
Amy and Phoenix Themes
Amy and Phoenix Themes Farming & Agriculture Amy and Phoenix is set on a farm, which has a range of animals. It explores daily life and the realities of farm life. What children will learn about farming in Amy and Phoenix: 1. Some of the difficulties such as predators attacking the stock e.g. foxes, and […]
Daniel Barker: By Power or Blight Themes
Daniel Barker: By Power or Blight Themes Peer Pressure Wanting to feel part of something can put pressure on a teen to act in certain ways. If they’re doing something they wouldn’t normally do, or are not doing something they’d like to do, simply so that they’ll be accepted by the people they […]
Land of Britannica Themes
Land of Britannica Themes Separation and Divorce Land of Britannica is based around the protagonist, Brittney, who isn’t coping with her parents’ separation. When her father, Jason, introduces the children to his new girlfriend, Brittney and her older brother, Hunter, do not cope well and the realisation that their parents are getting a divorce […]
Ride High Pineapple Themes
Ride High Pineapple Reviews Facial Differences Have you ever compared people’s faces? Some people have big noses, some people have small chins, some people have straight eyebrows, some people have thin lips, and some people have freckles. What do you have? All of these differences help you to be recognised by friends, family […]