Are you looking for a speaker who lives with disability to present a keynote or to be on a panel about diversity and inclusion in the workplace?

Jenny is passionate about addressing diversity and inclusion issues in the workplace. She shares practical strategies that business can implement immediately to have a diverse and inclusive environment. Jenny shares her experiences as a disabled employee and speaks to jobseekers about the reality of diversity and inclusion in the workplace, and what they need to do when looking for employment.

Are you looking for a speaker who lives with disability to present a keynote or to be on a panel about good mental health strategies for embracing one’s differences?

Jenny’s motto is Be Weirdly Wonderful! She has written a self-help personal development book called Be Weirdly Wonderful! 5 ways to lead your best life (out in mid 2023). Jenny is able to share her 5 strategies for living your best life and embracing your differences, in an entertaining and engaging way. She thrives on helping people to be weirdly wonderful!

Are you looking for a speaker who has put her child with Down syndrome through mainstream school and is a fierce advocate for inclusive education?

Jenny’s daughter, Jessica, lives with Down syndrome and autism. Jenny is a strong advocate for inclusive education and shares what inclusive education is, her early vision for Jessica and her journey through the mainstream state school system. Jessica is currently in Year 11 and Jenny is looking to the future post-schooling for Jess. It hasn’t always been a bed of roses but it’s been worth it!

Testimonial from Sam Cawthorn CEO Speakers Institute

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